buddhism has syncretized many traditional beliefs in east asian societies seen compatible local religions. notable syncretization of buddhism local beliefs includes 3 teachings, or triple religion, harmonizes mahayana buddhism confucian philosophy , elements of taoism, , shinbutsu-shūgō, syncretism of shinto , buddhism. religious beliefs, practices, , identities of east asians (who comprise majority of world s buddhists measure) blend buddhism other traditions including confucianism, chinese folk religion, taoism, shinto, , korean shamanism. before , during world war ii, nichiren shōshū priest named jimon ogasawara proposed blending of nichiren buddhism shinto.
hinduism, buddhism , jainism in ancient india have made many adaptations on millennia, assimilating elements of various diverse religious traditions. 1 example of yoga vasistha.
akram vigyan movement established dada bhagwan considered jain-vaishnava hindu syncretistic movement.
the mughal emperor akbar, wanted consolidate diverse religious communities in empire, propounded din-i-ilahi, syncretic religion intended merge best elements of religions of empire. satpanth considered syncretism of ismaili islam , hinduism.
meivazhi syncretic monotheistic minority religion based in tamil nadu, india. focus spiritual enlightenment , conquering of death, through teachings. mevaizhi preaches oneness of essence message of previous major scriptures - particularly hinduism, buddhism, islam, judaism , christianity - allowing membership regardless of creed. meivazhi s disciples thousands of people belonging once 69 different castes of different religions being united 1 family of meivazhi religion.
in china, of population follows syncretist religions combining mahayana buddhism, taoism , elements of confucianism. out of chinese believers, approximately 85.7% adhere chinese traditional religion, many profess both mahayana buddhist , taoist @ same time. many of pagodas in china dedicated both buddhist , taoist deities.
the traditional mun faith of lepcha people predates seventh century conversion lamaistic buddhism. since time, lepcha have practiced buddhism. since arrival of christian missionaries in nineteenth century, mun traditions have been followed alongside faith well. traditional religion permits incorporation of buddha , jesus christ deities, depending on household beliefs.
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