Charity_and_social_initiatives Gulnara_Karimova

gulnora i. karimova – world economic forum on middle east 2009

under karimova s supervision 5 ngos have been established in uzbekistan. in 2009, 2 of foundations, social initiatives support fund (sisf) , women s council public association, organized conference on medical aspects , role of public organizations in breast cancer problems solutions . in 2006, under sisf, karimova took on initiative of micro-credits women farmers in rural areas of uzbekistan.

karimova founder , chairperson of social organisation called forum of culture , arts of uzbekistan foundation (the fund forum). forum of culture , arts of uzbekistan foundation (the fund forum), biggest ngo in country established in spring 2004 since then, signed number of mou international organisations , in 2010, received consultative status @ ecosoc (united nations economic , social council). on 24 december 2010, international olympic committee honored fund forum annual sport – inspiring young people trophy activities in area of sport, education , culture among youth. beyond national cultural , art promotion, fund provides merit- , need-based scholarships undergraduate , graduate levels.

in june 2010, fund forum in cooperation other foundations engaged in humanitarian aid affected events in neighbouring kyrgyzstan.

in 2010, initiated organization of charitable marathon, in name of life under auspices of fund forum, women s council , uzbekistan national breast cancer association. 100,000 people across uzbekistan have joined marathon since launch. in 2012, karimova reported donated on 25 million sum national breast cancer association purchase cancer medication during marathon. in 2013, race attracted 7,000 runners.

in april 2012, karimova announced had initiated establishment of new ngo, forum of socially responsible citizens of uzbekistan , focuses on support of uzbek citizens social initiatives.
