Mass_and_size Jupiter

jupiter s diameter 1 order of magnitude smaller (×0.10045) of sun, , 1 order of magnitude larger (×10.9733) of earth. great red spot same size earth.

jupiter s mass 2.5 times of other planets in solar system combined—this massive barycenter sun lies above sun s surface @ 1.068 solar radii sun s center. jupiter larger earth , considerably less dense: volume of 1,321 earths, 318 times massive. jupiter s radius 1/10 radius of sun, , mass 0.001 times mass of sun, densities of 2 bodies similar. jupiter mass (mj or mjup) used unit describe masses of other objects, particularly extrasolar planets , brown dwarfs. so, example, extrasolar planet hd 209458 b has mass of 0.69 mj, while kappa andromedae b has mass of 12.8 mj.

theoretical models indicate if jupiter had more mass @ present, shrink. small changes in mass, radius not change appreciably, , above 500 m⊕ (1.6 jupiter masses) interior become more compressed under increased pressure volume decrease despite increasing amount of matter. result, jupiter thought have large diameter planet of composition , evolutionary history can achieve. process of further shrinkage increasing mass continue until appreciable stellar ignition achieved, in high-mass brown dwarfs having around 50 jupiter masses.

although jupiter need 75 times massive fuse hydrogen , become star, smallest red dwarf 30 percent larger in radius jupiter. despite this, jupiter still radiates more heat receives sun; amount of heat produced inside similar total solar radiation receives. additional heat generated kelvin–helmholtz mechanism through contraction. process causes jupiter shrink 2 cm each year. when first formed, jupiter hotter , twice current diameter.
