SEK_types Special_Deployment_Commando

1 sek types

1.1 meks
1.2 personenschutzkommando
1.3 diensteinheit ix

sek types

the mek unit of federal criminal police office during demonstration.

mobile task force units (mobile einsatzkommandos or meks) operate hand-in-hand seks.

these plain-clothed units specialized in surveillance, quick arrests , mobile hostage sieges or kidnappings. used in investigations against organized crime or blackmailers. however, deployment of mek units requested serious offenses.

meks often, also, provide close protection state s senior leaders, including state s minister president. requirements duty mek officer similar or partially less strict requirements sek.


the personenschutzkommando (personal protection command) units plain clothes unit provide personal security protect politicians , vips.

diensteinheit ix
