Concept_and_development The_Force_(Star_Wars)

1 concept , development

1.1 creation original films
1.2 prequel films , midi-chlorians
1.3 sequel films , other productions

concept , development

george lucas created concept of force both advance plot of star wars (1977) , try awaken sense of spirituality in young audience members.

creation original films

george lucas created concept of force address character , plot developments in star wars (1977). wanted awaken kind of spirituality in young audiences, suggesting belief in god without endorsing specific religion. developed force nondenominational religious concept, distill[ed from] essence of religions , premised on existence of god , distinct ideas of , evil. lucas said there conscious choice between , bad, , world works better if re on side .

according michael kaminsky in secret history of star wars, first star wars film based on 1958 japanese film hidden fortress, plot , characters of lucas borrowed extensively @ 1 point considered buying u.s rights film prevent copyright violation lawsuit. film student, lucas s favorite filmmaker akira kurosawa, made series of films featuring samurai heroes , villains in 1950s , 1960s, lucas has acknowledged major artistic influence. critic jason serafino notes basic plot of star wars based upon hidden fortress, , kurosawa films in general ...easily important cinematic influence on star wars movies . hidden fortress jidaigeki (historical adventure) film dealing brave samurai saves princess in 16th century japan. in china, there concept of qi (known ki in japan), mystical life force running through everything. master qi/ki capable of superhuman feats, , common plot device in jidaigeki films samurai master ki achieve astonishing feats of swordsmanship. concept of jedi knights, power derived mastering force, based on samurai , relationship jidaigeki films show them having ki. name jedi tribute these films. kaminsky further noted in 1970s san francisco, lucas living when wrote various drafts script became star wars, new age ideas, incorporated concept of qi , other notions of mystical life-force in air , being embraced in city. critic tim robley wrote of ideas , characters in star wars came 1939 film wizard of oz, force serving same role ruby slippers, magical entity sends protagonist on quest.

lucas used term force echo use cinematographer roman kroitor in 21-87 (1963), in kroiter says, many people feel in contemplation of nature , in communication other living things, become aware of kind of force, or something, behind apparent mask see in front of us, , call god . although lucas had kroitor s line in mind specifically, lucas said underlying sentiment universal , similar phrases have been used extensively many different people last 13,000 years .

the first draft of star wars makes 2 references force of others , not explain concept: king kayos utters blessing may force of others , , later says feel force . power of force of others kept secret jedi bendu of ashla, aristocratic cult in second draft. second draft offers lengthy explanation of force of others , introduces ashla light side , bogan dark side. ashla , bogan mentioned 10 , 31 times, respectively, , force of others plays more prominent role in story. in second draft, luke starkiller s mission retrieve kiber crystal, can intensify either ashla or bogan powers. film s shorter third draft has no references ashla, mentions bogan 8 times , luke still driven recover kiber crystal. lucas finished fourth , near-final draft on january 1, 1976. version trims force of others down force , makes single reference force s seductive dark side , distills explanation of force 28 words, , eliminates kiber crystal. producer gary kurtz, studied comparative religion in college, had long discussions lucas religion , philosophy throughout writing process. kurtz told lucas unhappy drafts in force connected kiber crystal, , dissatisfied ashla , bogan concepts.

—george lucas describing force during empire strikes production meeting

lucas , screenwriter leigh brackett decided force , emperor main concerns in empire strikes (1980). focus on emperor later shifted third film, return of jedi (1983), , dark side of force treated empire strikes s main villain.

prequel films , midi-chlorians

the phantom menace (1999) introduces midi-chlorians explain characters force sensitivity, although lucas discussed idea of microscopic creatures connecting characters force august 1977. lucas based concept on symbiogenesis, calling midi-chlorians loose depiction of mitochondria. further said:

[mitochondria] had – come out someday – beginnings of life , how 1 cell decided become 2 cells little other little creature came in, without whom life couldn t exist. , s way of saying have hundreds of little creatures live on us, , without them, die. there wouldn t life. necessary us; necessary them. using them in metaphor, saying society same way, says must along each other.

sequel films , other productions

after selling lucasfilm disney in 2012, lucas said biggest concern franchise s future force being muddled bunch of gobbledegook . when writing force awakens (2015) lawrence kasdan, j. j. abrams respected lucas had established midi-chlorians effect on characters ability use force. child, though, interpreted obi-wan kenobi s explanation of force in star wars mean character use power, , force more grounded in spirituality science. abrams retained idea of force having light , dark side, , characters seduction dark side helps create conflict story.

star wars rebels producer dave filoni cites several influences on how force used in show. character bendu — named in homage term lucas associated jedi — not align franchise s normal dark-or-light duality, , role extension of filoni s conversations lucas nature of force. filoni credits prequel films better developing concept of force, particularly idea of balance between light , dark sides.
