Geography Kirkcudbrightshire

rhinns of kells ridge towards millfire

the north-western part of former county rugged, wild , desolate. in quarter principal mountains merrick 843 m (2764 ft), highest in south of scotland, , group of rhinns of kells, chief peaks of corserine 814 m (2669 ft), carlins cairn 807 m (2650 ft), meikle millyea 746 m (2446 ft) , millfire 716 m (2350 ft). towards south-west chief eminences lamachan hill 717 (2350 ft), larg 676 m (2216 ft), , bold mass of cairnsmore of fleet 711 m (2331 ft). in south-east imposing height criffel 569 m (1868 ft). in north rises majestic hill of cairnsmore of carsphairn 797 m (2614 ft), , close ayrshire border windy standard 698 m (2290 ft). southern section of shire level or undulating, characterised picturesque scenery.

the shore bold , rocky, indented numerous estuaries forming natural harbours, of little use commerce owing shallowness of sea. large stretches of sand exposed in solway @ low water , rapid flow of tide has occasioned loss of life.

there many burns , waters , length seldom exceeds 7 or 8 miles (13 km). among longer rivers cree, rises in loch moan , reaches sea near creetown after course of 30 miles (48 km), during forms boundary, @ first of ayrshire , of wigtownshire; dee or black water of dee (so named peat coloured), rises in loch dee , after course s.e. , s., enters sea @ st mary s isle below kirkcudbright, length being 36 miles (58 km); urr, rising in loch urr on dumfriesshire border, falls sea few miles south of dalbeattie 27 miles (43 km) source; ken, rising on confines of ayrshire, flows in southerly direction , joins dee @ southern end of loch ken after course of 24 miles (39 km) through lovely scenery; , deugh which, rising on northern flank of windy standard, pursues extraordinarily winding course of 20 miles (32 km) before reaching ken. nith, during last few miles of flow, forms boundary dumfriesshire, county wholly belongs.

the lochs , mountain tarns many , well-distributed; except loch ken, 6 miles (10 km) long half mile (1 km) wide, few of them attain noteworthy dimensions. there several passes in hill regions, well-known glen glen trool, not far district of carrick in ayrshire, fame of rests partly on romantic character of scenery, wild around loch trool, , more on associations robert bruce. here when closely beset enemies, had tracked him fastness sleuth hounds, bruce aid of few faithful followers won surprise victory on english in 1307 proved turning-point of fortunes.
