a statue of st. vincent de paul talking students, common vincentian universities in united states.
niagara university features 5 traditional residence halls wells 6 community houses called varsity village , on-campus student apartments. traditional buildings include clet, lynch, o’donoughue, o shea, , seton halls.
lynch hall (coeducational floor); 5 floor building 1 straight hallway on each floor accommodating rooms , common area facilities. rooms single occupancy limited number of non-singles. dorm s basement features large lounge , game room.
o’donoughue hall (coeducational floor 1 coed floor); 4 floor building 1 straight hallway on each floor accommodating rooms , common area facilities. rooms single occupancy few doubles.
clet hall (coeducational floor); 4 floor building straight hallways making 3 wings in “u” shape. common area facilities located @ ends of wings. rooms fashioned single, double , triple occupancy. campus s dining commons , theatre located on north side of building.
varsity village (male/female); consists of 6 separate houses (three male students , 3 female students) of 2 floors each. common area facilities located in each house , rooms fashioned single, double , triple occupancy. majority of spaces in village chosen upperclassmen.
o shea hall (coeducational floor); high rise building 8 floors set in rectangular fashion common area facilities in center of each floor. rooms fashioned double occupancy. location of international , athlete housing, housing office.
seton hall (coeducational floor); high rise building 8 floors set in rectangular fashion common area facilities in center of each floor. rooms fashioned double , triple occupancy. dorm houses number of student-athletes academic support , career services offices.
apartments (coeducational building/single gender apartments); consists of 6 separate buildings of 2 floors each 8 4-person apartments. each apartment furnished , contains amenities of off campus apartment. each individual bedroom contains vanity mirror, sink , cupboards. apartments available juniors, seniors , graduate students only.
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