Plot_summaries Spider-Man_Loves_Mary_Jane

1 plot summaries

1.1 mary jane miniseries
1.2 mary jane: homecoming
1.3 spider-man loves mary jane
1.4 spider-man loves mary jane season 2

plot summaries
mary jane miniseries

cover of mary jane vol. 1: circle of friends, trade paperback collecting mary jane miniseries

as homecoming dance approaching, mary jane cannot think of go , thinks not going @ all. best friend liz suggests friend harry mary jane s date , - despite mary jane s reservation against dating friend , crush on spider-man - 2 start going out. then, riding home on subway after first date harry, mary jane s train attacked supervillain electro , spider-man rescues her, reinforcing crush on him; wants spider-man homecoming date.

mary jane decides job able afford dress homecoming dance, , because feels dependent on harry paying on dates. after going through several different jobs , getting trouble @ school being tired working, wants stop working avoid more problems, owner of store wanted buy homecoming dress offers job salesperson.

mary jane has argument liz because thinks wrong liz calls flash stupid. wants break harry, because friend her, dump him, realizes nice guy , how likes him. later, after accidentally taking home flash s notebook , flipping through it, mary jane finds out flash has crush on her.

liz tells mary jane suspects flash has crush on else. during school football game liz loses , attacks opposing cheerleader talking flash. after incident, mary jane tells liz, still not know mary jane 1 flash has crush on, talk flash. after game, mary jane waits flash @ home , returns notebook, telling him not going crush on , that, contrary might assume due constant insults, liz loves him. however, liz, going apologize flash previous behavior, sees 2 in front of flash s house, suspects flash having affair mary jane.

mary jane: homecoming

cover of mary jane vol. 2: homecoming, trade collects second miniseries

harry s father disappointed harry s grades and, assuming because harry dating mary jane, forbids him see (and particularly go homecoming dance her). thus, harry plans cheat on upcoming physics test allowed spend more time her. meanwhile, liz avoiding mary jane because thinks having affair flash. when mary jane , harry have stay in class after school passing notes, harry sees chance steal test papers, mrs. feeser called office pick flowers husband sent her. however, mary jane offers go pick flowers instead. harry, mad sabotages plans cheat, breaks her.

liz tells mary jane has been avoiding because thinks mary jane having affair flash , mary jane assures aren t (making liz call herself stupid). meanwhile, flash convinces harry apologize mary jane , her.

on day of homecoming dance, mary jane thinking spider-man again after running him twice day while fights vulture, liz not want hear looking forward homecoming dance , becoming king , queen flash. however, things not go liz planned them: while flash become homecoming king, not liz mary jane – wasn t on ballot – voted queen write-in candidate.

mary jane shocked won , worried how liz, disappeared, reacts. flash, still not on crush on mary jane, thinks fate brought them , tries kiss during ceremonial post-crowning dance, liz comes back. while mary jane tries explain liz, harry, had been looking liz, comes , starts fighting flash liz tells him flash , mary jane made out. mary jane storms out , accidentally meets peter @ coffee bean , later walks home, liz has been waiting apologize , tell mary jane wanted become homecoming queen – despite being friend – not hate anymore being popular.

spider-man loves mary jane

having ended relationship harry, mary jane once again focuses attention on unattainable spider-man. during time becomes closer peter parker, algebra tutor. peter , liz both discourage mary jane s interest in spider-man. undaunted, mary jane tracks spider-man down , asks him date, plainly refuses.

more problems arise mary jane @ school. flash, still hurt mary jane s rejection, bullies peter , demands ends friendship her. when mary jane tells flash can either stop hurting peter or stop being friend, chooses latter. mary jane wins lead in school s production of twelfth night, angering actress, lindsay leighton. lindsay begins dating harry make mary jane jealous. peter , liz work split them apart. unfortunately, has side-effect of increasing wedge between mary jane , harry. make mary jane, peter fulfills dream asking date spider-man.

complicating matters further peter s growing attraction mary jane. wants date peter parker, not spider-man, , makes feelings clear night of date spider-man. though mary jane rejects him, still meets later night in costume. have pleasant unsatisfying date, , mary jane realizes spider-man’s job superhero (as hidden identity) make romantic relationship impossible. mary jane realizes peter boy loves after all—unfortunately, when sees peter next day, entertaining pretty transfer student named gwen stacy.

mary jane senses immediate connection between gwen , peter, , chooses not tell him loves him fear of coming between them. peter , gwen begin dating. trying hide pain, mary jane develops public persona of unflappable, flirtatious party girl. during time flash begins dating liz again, , mends friendship mary jane. harry still in love mary jane hides feelings behind rich playboy exterior.

gwen s relationship peter comes under stress due several of unexplained absences , weak excuses during dates (in actuality, leaves abruptly fight crime spider-man). misunderstanding forces love triangle come head; gwen learns truth peter s history mary jane , realizes in love her. breaks him. however, @ same time, mary jane decides put feelings peter permanently aside , reunites harry, student felicia hardy complicates relationship pursues harry affections.

spider-man acquires new love interest, redheaded mutant superhero firestar, apprehensive sharing private life her. peter parker, spidey faces hopeless task of maintaining friendship gwen despite wanting him boyfriend, , refusing else.

felicia s interventions force harry snap, , tells never have him in love mj, mj comes realization not love harry, , remains close peter , spider-man. harry infuriated when discovers truth , leaves devastated.

peter breaks firestar spidey, , refuses give gwen satisfaction of controlling life her. , mj close out issue twenty reunited, mj assuring him friend despite recent events. mj reaches peter s hand 2 watch snow descend around them.

spider-man loves mary jane season 2

mary jane s friendship harry still broken, relationship peter, flash, , liz remains strong ever, , , gwen gradually repair friendship well. in meantime, mary jane continues pursue becoming better actor; starts trend called limo girl after arriving late acting 101 , performing excuse why late. starts call limo girl , bothers mary jane after while. lands lead role in play, beating out girl named zoe, on friendly terms before casting finalized. during rehearsals, teacher demands perform same way did when created limo girl. frustrated, mary jane quits play.

spider-man , mary jane continue see each other whenever wall-crawler gets chance visit her, mary jane confides in spider-man troubles same openness shows peter. after mary jane lands role in play, starts smear campaign on school computers, calling diva dork of midtown high . assumes harry 1 behind it, though tells s not angry @ despite history. further proven wrong when tells ip address linked directly school , in area prohibited students. mary jane asks happened friendship , harry says forgot alive when became friends peter. despite renewed desire fix things between them, harry doesn t want friends mary jane.

later, mary jane confronts zoe why created website. zoe believed mary put herself above else , thought herself perfect, zoe used website tear down. despite suspect legality of website, mary jane doesn t hold grudge against zoe , promises keep incident between 2 of them. @ end of day, peter visits house , 2 of them eat pizza on front stairs.
