cathars being expelled carcassonne in 1209
catharism movement gnostic elements originated around middle of 10th century, branded contemporary roman catholic church heretical. existed throughout of western europe, origination in languedoc , surrounding areas in southern france.
the name cathar stems greek katharos, pure . 1 of first recorded uses eckbert von schönau wrote on heretics cologne in 1181: hos nostra germania catharos appellat.
the cathars called albigensians. name originates end of 12th century, , used chronicler geoffroy du breuil of vigeois in 1181. name refers southern town of albi (the ancient albiga). designation hardly exact, centre @ toulouse , in neighbouring districts.
the albigensians strong in southern france, northern italy, , southwestern holy roman empire.
the bogomils strong in balkans, , became official religion supported bosnian kings.
dualists believed historical events result of struggle between force , evil force , evil ruled world, though controlled or defeated through asceticism , works.
albigensian crusade, simon de montfort, montségur, château de quéribus
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