Publications Maurice_Pechet

^ philippe bordier, m.d., maurice m. pechet, m.d., robert hesse, pierre marie, , howard rasmussen, m.d. response of adult patients osteomalacia treatment crystalline 1α-hydroxy vitamin d3 291:866-871 october 24, 1974 . new england journal of medicine. cs1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^ maurice m. pechet, m.d., robert h. hesse. metabolic , clinical effects of pure crystalline 1α-hydroxyvitamin d3 , 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3: studies of intestinal calcium transport, renal tubular function , bone metabolism, published in volume 57, issue 1, pages 13-20 (july 1974) . american journal of medicine. cs1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^ maurice m. pechet, m.d., eduardo bobadilla, m.d., evelyn l. carroll, a.b., robert h. hesse. regulation of bone resorption , formation: influences of thyrocalcitonin, parathyroid hormone, neutral phosphate , vitamin d3, volume 43, issue 5, pages 696-710 (november 1967) . american journal of medicine. cs1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^ maurice m. pechet, blair bowers , frederic c. bartters. metabolic studies new series of 1,4-diene steroids. ii. effects in normal subjects of prednisone, prednisolone, , 9α-fluoroprednisolone, published in volume 38, issue 4 (april, 1959) . journal of clinical investigation. 
^ m.d. howard rasmussen; m.d. maurice pechet; m.d. constantine anast; r.n. alice mazur; m.d. joseph gertner; m.d. arthur e. broadus. long-term treatment of familial hypophosphatemic rickets oral phosphate , 1α-hydroxyvitamin d3, volume 99, issue 1, pages 16-25 (july 1981) . journal of pediatrics. 
