Phase_transitions Liquid

a typical phase diagram. dotted line gives anomalous behaviour of water. green lines show how freezing point can vary pressure, , blue line shows how boiling point can vary pressure. red line shows boundary sublimation or deposition can occur.

at temperature below boiling point, matter in liquid form evaporate until condensation of gas above reach equilibrium. @ point gas condense @ same rate liquid evaporates. thus, liquid cannot exist permanently if evaporated liquid continually removed. liquid @ boiling point evaporate more gas can condense @ current pressure. liquid @ or above boiling point boil, though superheating can prevent in circumstances.

at temperature below freezing point, liquid tend crystallize, changing solid form. unlike transition gas, there no equilibrium @ transition under constant pressure, unless supercooling occurs, liquid crystallize. note true under constant pressure, e.g. water , ice in closed, strong container might reach equilibrium both phases coexist. opposite transition solid liquid, see melting.
