Independent_circuit_.282004.E2.80.932016.29 T._J._Perkins

perkins in ring in 2008.

in january 2004, masked puma wrestled on 2 major league wrestling television tapings, teaming bobby quance in loss stampede bulldogs (harry smith , tj wilson). following night, puma lost four-way match featuring jack evans, chasyn rance , mlw junior heavyweight champion sonjay dutt. in december 2004, puma won pro wrestling (apw) worldwide internet championship defeating j.j. perez. held championship until july 2005, when lost perez.

in january 2005, perkins puma debuted in full impact pro (fip) defeating azrieal. @ unfinished business, puma attacked azrieal , ally cm punk, , @ following show puma lost singles match punk. on february 12, puma won four-way match against azrieal, jerrelle clark, , eddie vegas. 4 years later, returned fip t.j. perkins, in loss davey richards on march 28, 2009. developed winning streak, defeating jay bradley, nigel mcguinness, , sal rinauro. in november 2009, perkins entered 2009 jeff peterson memorial cup, defeating arik cannon , shane hollister en route semi-finals, lost richards. in april 2010 @ southern stampede, returned fip using ring name tjp, participated in battle royal before defeated chasyn rance.

puma wrestled in 2005 edition of east coast wrestling association super 8 tournament , made final defeating eric matlock , j.j. perez, before losing petey williams. competed in extreme canadian championship wrestling s pacific cup in 2005, faced aaron idol , bryan danielson in three-way match in final, won idol.

in august 2005, perkins debuted in uwa hardcore wrestling puma, in loss ricky reyes. in may 2006, puma defeated m-dogg 20 win uwa canadian championship. defended championship against petey williams following month, before losing championship m-dogg 20 in july. in october, puma participated in uwa s grand prix tournament, defeated kazuchika okada , dan paysan en route final, lost sonjay dutt. continued wrestling uwa throughout 2007, competing against wrestlers including Último dragón , daisuke hanaoka.

at 2016 evolve wrestling show in melrose, massachusetts against timothy thatcher.

perkins debuted in empire wrestling federation (ewf) on september 22, 2005 @ chaos, teaming dan kobrick defeat big ugly , vinnie massaro. on december 23, @ ewf s holiday fear perkins challenged ewf cruiserweight champion joey harder in triple threat championship match, involved rocky romero , won defending champion harder. perkins continued challenge harder cruiserweight championship. in match on february 12, 2006, harder defeated perkins submission. on september 8, perkins faced ewf world champion bino gambino, defeating him countout. when match restarted, wrestled draw. on november 21, perkins again failed win ewf cruiserweight championship, when defeated new champion ryan taylor. in november 2006, perkins entered ewf s inland title series tournament. first match against harder ended in draw, before defeated hook bomberry in second round , jason king in third round. faced harder in final on january 5, 2007, lost via submission. on june 27, 2008 @ knockdown dragout 2, team of perkins , liger rivera (collectively known famous fearless) challenged la ola del mal ewf tag team championship, , successful.

in 2006, puma wrestled part of mtv s inaugural television taping wrestling society x (wsx) promotion, participating in battle royal being eliminated vampiro , competing in dark matches against altar boy luke , human tornado. in 2009 interview, perkins stated asked released contract wsx, calling promotion terrible . on next 2 years, perkins compted several different national wrestling alliance promotions, , on june 1, 2008, @ mach 1 wrestling s debut show, won battle royal become nwa heritage champion.

he began working dragon gate usa , evolve in 2010 tjp. on evolve s first show faced munenori sawa in losing effort, before defeating kyle o reilly @ evolve 3. in dragon gate usa, defeated gran akuma @ dgusa fearless pay-per-view. in march 2010, perkins made debut westside xtreme wrestling @ debut show in united states, losing zack sabre, jr.. travelled germany wrestle promotion in july 2010.
