jim , mary barr, contemporary new zealand painters (martinborough: alister tayler, 1980)
gordon h. brown , hamish keith introduction new zealand painting (auckland: collins, 1982)
ronald brownson (ed), milan mrkusich: decade further on 1974-1983 (auckland: auckland art gallery, 1985) isbn 086463126x
michael dunn , petar vuletic, milan mrkusich: paintings 1946-1972 (auckland: auckland art gallery, 1972)
michael dunn, new zealand painting: concise history (auckland: auckland university press, 2003)
alan wright , edward hanfling, mrkusich: art of transformation (auckland: auckland university press, 2009) isbn 9781869404376
alan wright, alchemy of painted surface: work of milan mrkusich 1960-65 in art new zealand number 82/autumn 1997
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