1 signs , symptoms
1.1 plaque psoriasis
1.2 other forms
1.2.1 pustular psoriasis
1.2.2 inverse psoriasis napkin psoriasis
1.2.3 guttate psoriasis
1.2.4 mouth
1.2.5 seborrheic-like psoriasis
1.3 psoriatic arthritis
1.4 nail changes
1.5 medical signs
signs , symptoms
plaque psoriasis
psoriatic plaque, showing silvery center surrounded reddened border.
psoriasis vulgaris (also known chronic stationary psoriasis or plaque-like psoriasis) common form , affects 85%–90% of people psoriasis. plaque psoriasis typically appears raised areas of inflamed skin covered silvery-white scaly skin. these areas called plaques , commonly found on elbows, knees, scalp, , back. psoriatic erythroderma (erythrodermic psoriasis) involves widespread inflammation , exfoliation of skin on of body surface. may accompanied severe itching, swelling, , pain. result of exacerbation of unstable plaque psoriasis, particularly following abrupt withdrawal of systemic glucocorticoids. form of psoriasis can fatal extreme inflammation , exfoliation disrupt body s ability regulate temperature , perform barrier functions.
other forms
additional types of psoriasis comprise approximately 10% of cases. include pustular, inverse, napkin, guttate, oral, , seborrheic-like forms.
pustular psoriasis
severe pustular psoriasis.
pustular psoriasis appears raised bumps filled noninfectious pus (pustules). skin under , surrounding pustules red , tender.
inverse psoriasis
inverse psoriasis (also known flexural psoriasis) appears smooth, inflamed patches of skin. patches affect skin folds, particularly around genitals (between thigh , groin), armpits, in skin folds of overweight abdomen (known panniculus), between buttocks in intergluteal cleft, , under breasts in inframammary fold. heat, trauma, , infection thought play role in development of atypical form of psoriasis.
napkin psoriasis
napkin psoriasis subtype of psoriasis common in infants characterized red papules silver scale in diaper area may extend torso or limbs. napkin psoriasis misdiagnosed napkin dermatitis (diaper rash).
example of guttate psoriasis
guttate psoriasis
guttate psoriasis characterized numerous small, scaly, red or pink, droplet-like lesions (papules). these numerous spots of psoriasis appear on large areas of body, trunk, limbs , scalp. guttate psoriasis triggered streptococcal infection, typically streptococcal pharyngitis. reverse not true.
psoriasis in mouth rare, in contrast lichen planus, common papulosquamous disorder commonly involves both skin , mouth. when psoriasis involves oral mucosa (the lining of mouth), may asymptomatic, may appear white or grey-yellow plaques. fissured tongue common finding in oral psoriasis , has been reported occur in 6.5–20% of people psoriasis affecting skin. microscopic appearance of oral mucosa affected geographic tongue (migratory stomatitis) similar appearance of psoriasis. however, modern studies have failed demonstrate link between 2 conditions.
seborrheic-like psoriasis
seborrheic-like psoriasis common form of psoriasis clinical aspects of psoriasis , seborrheic dermatitis, , may difficult distinguish latter. form of psoriasis typically manifests red plaques greasy scales in areas of higher sebum production such scalp, forehead, skin folds next nose, skin surrounding mouth, skin on chest above sternum, , in skin folds.
psoriatic arthritis
psoriatic arthritis form of chronic inflammatory arthritis has highly variable clinical presentation , occurs in association skin , nail psoriasis. typically involves painful inflammation of joints , surrounding connective tissue , can occur in joint, commonly affects joints of fingers , toes. can result in sausage-shaped swelling of fingers , toes known dactylitis. psoriatic arthritis can affect hips, knees, spine (spondylitis), , sacroiliac joint (sacroiliitis). 30% of individuals psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis. skin manifestations of psoriasis tend occur before arthritic manifestations in 75% of cases.
nail changes
psoriasis of fingernail, visible pitting.
a photograph showing effects of psoriasis on toenails.
psoriasis can affect nails , produces variety of changes in appearance of finger , toe nails. nail psoriasis occurs in 40–45% of people psoriasis affecting skin , has lifetime incidence of 80–90% in psoriatic arthritis. these changes include pitting of nails (pinhead-sized depressions in nail seen in 70% nail psoriasis), whitening of nail, small areas of bleeding capillaries under nail, yellow-reddish discoloration of nails known oil drop or salmon spot, thickening of skin under nail (subungual hyperkeratosis), loosening , separation of nail (onycholysis), , crumbling of nail.
medical signs
in addition appearance , distribution of rash, specific medical signs may used medical practitioners assist diagnosis. these may include auspitz s sign (pinpoint bleeding when scale removed), koebner phenomenon (psoriatic skin lesions induced trauma skin), , itching , pain localized papules , plaques.
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