Political_positions Controversy_over_ethnic_and_linguistic_identity_in_Moldova

the soviet attempts, started after 1924 , implemented after 1940, emphasize local moldovan identity , transform separate ethnicity, reiteration in post-independence moldovan politics, during communist government (2001–2009), referred moldovanism. moldovanist position refutes purported romanian-moldovan ethnic identity, , @ times existence of common language. historian james stuart olson, in book – ethnohistorical dictionary of russian , soviet empires – considers moldovans , romanians closely related romanian language, ethnicity , historical development can considered 1 , same people.

since moldovan considered merely political term used designate romanian language, supporters of distinct language regarded anti-scientific or politicianist. typical example moldovan-romanian dictionary.

moldovan presidents on language , identity of moldovans

mircea snegur, first moldovan president (1992–1996), versatile supporter of common romanian-moldovan ethnic , linguistic identity

În suflet eram (și sunt) mai român decât mulți dintre învinuitori.

in soul (and am) more romanian of accusers.

vladimir voronin, president of moldova (2001–2009), adversary of common romanian-moldovan ethnic identity, acknowledged @ times existence of common language.

«limba moldovenească este de fapt mama limbii române. s-o numești română înseamnă să înșeli istoria și să-ți nedreptățești propria mamă.»

moldovan in fact mother of romanian language. call romanian betray history , commit injustice own mother.

vorbim aceeași limba, chiar dacă o numim diferit.

speak same language [in romania , moldova], though call differently.

mihai ghimpu, speaker of moldovan parliament , interim president (2009–2010), staunch supporter of common romanian-moldovan ethnic identity:

dar ce câștigat având la conducere oameni care știau că limba e română și că noi suntem români, dar au recunoscut acest adevăr doar după ce au plecat de la guvernare? eu nu venit să manipulez cetățenii, ci să le spun adevărul.

have gained having leaders people knew language romanian , romanians, acknowledged truth after left office? have not come manipulate citizens, tell them truth.
