Personal_life Gulnara_Karimova

1 personal life

1.1 marriage , divorce
1.2 rumors of marriage sodiq safoyev
1.3 alleged house arrest , rumoured death

personal life
marriage , divorce

in 1991, married mansur maqsudi, american businessman of afghanistan uzbek origin. have 2 children, son, islam karimov jr., born in 1992 , daughter, iman karimova, born in 1998. when marriage started crumble in july 2001, karimova took 2 children , left united states uzbekistan. uzbek judge granted divorce, while court granted 1 maqsudi. when karimova refused accede court ruling awarding custody of 2 children maqsudi, international arrest warrant in name filed interpol. in return, maqsudi faced arrest in uzbekistan, , of relatives arrested , imprisoned. others driven uzbek-afghan border , released in afghan territory, , maqsudi had business assets in uzbekistan, particularly interest in joint-venture coca-cola, taken away. according guardian, part of divorce settlement, karimova kept $4.5 million worth of jewellery , business interests worth approximately $60 million. on 9 july 2008, custody of 2 children given karimova, consent order signed judge deanne m. wilson (superior court of state of new jersey).

rumors of marriage sodiq safoyev

in 2003, when sodiq safoyev minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan, rumours marriage karimova surfaced in local , international media. safoyev, career diplomat , divorcee of 2001, hinted have been picked president islam karimov possible replacement, hence marriage daughter. however, allegations denied ministry of foreign affairs, , bbc, published story, accused first deputy minister vladimir norov of intruding personal lives of safoyev , karimova.

alleged house arrest , rumoured death

it has been reported bbc, based on letter , voice recording karimova (received in march , august 2014, respectively), under house arrest.

on 22 november 2016, central asian news portal centre1 claimed karimova died on 5 november 2016, after being poisoned , buried in unmarked grave in minor cemetery in tashkent. according ria novosti, sources close family disputed claim dead did not provide proof current status or whereabouts.

in december 2016, karimova s son, islam karimov junior, called mother s whereabouts revealed uzbekistan. revealed being kept against without basic human rights every person deserves on earth . explained living in london, cannot go uzbekistan fears not allowed return, reason why did not attend grandfather s funeral, responsible putting karimova under house-arrest.

in january 2017, wall street journal reported karimova had been questioned in december 2016, on money-laundering accusations swiss prosecutors while under house arrest in tashkent, according lawyer attended meetings.
