1 homology
1.1 paralogs
1.2 orthologs
1.3 divergence
there no known complete paralogs c15orf52 protein. there homologous domain found in coiled coil domain containing protein 9 (ccdc9) paralogous c15orf52 protein amino acid 9 55 of ccdc9. domain found in primates mollusks. ccdc9 domain not found in unicellular organisms or multicellular organisms more distant mollusks.
orthologs of c15orf52 protein traced cartilaginous fishes. none found in multicellular organisms more distant cartilaginous fishes or unicellular organisms.
a comparison of corrected distances of c15orf52 rapidly mutating fibrinogen alpha protein , mutating cytochrome c protein shown below. paralogous domain in ccdc9 shown below. overall, c15orf52 changes rapidly whole, paralogous domain not, may point functionality domain conserved.
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