Fictional_history Young_Justice

1 fictional history

1.1 sins of youth
1.2 our worlds @ war
1.3 world without young justice
1.4 graduation day
1.5 unofficial reunions

fictional history

robin, superboy, , impulse first join in one-shot, part of girlfrenzy fifth week event, called young justice: secret, written todd dezago, first encounter mysterious superheroine secret , free captivity of deo (department of extranormal operations). next appear in justice league miniseries, world without grown-ups, written dezago, in magical being, commanded new child villain bedlam, moves adults alternate world. when first stumble upon abandoned justice league cave in happy harbor (formerly called secret sanctuary ), later become headquarters, re-christened justice cave. after managing thwart bedlam s adolescent paradise, 3 boys agree effective team , should officially band own group.

when ongoing title begins in september 1998, 3 heroes have formed clubhouse in cave. however, in first issue, awaken android superhero red tornado self-imposed dormancy; red tornado remain supporting character in title, acting mentor/chaperone founding team, feeling interaction boisterous teens salvage felt left of humanity. in issue 4, group doubles in number addition of 3 teen superheroines: second wonder girl (cassandra sandsmark), struggling make mark serious crimefighter, ethereal , mysterious secret (greta hayes, nicknamed suzie throughout of series), , arrowette (cissie king-jones), attempting humiliate estranged domineering mother, retired miss arrowette, outshining own brief super-heroic career. stern , calculating robin , cocky , brazen superboy compete leadership; robin 1 commonly deferred to, though routinely teased others consider over-pragmatic nature, refusing share face or true identity of them; jealous wonder girl overcomes initial distaste arrowette , 2 become close friends; wonder girl s schoolgirl crush on superboy begins develop genuine feelings shared between 2 of them 1 another; team whole find ability trust in impulse in spite of whimsical character, yielding mixed results in various adventures; secret, amnesiac true identity , past history, accepted innocent nature , forms kinship wonder girl , arrowette, , later on in series develops crush on robin.

in earliest adventures, team faced threats of varying severity; mighty endowed, archaeologist named nina dowd ( n. dowd ) transformed top-heavy feline figure endowed support own weight, deadly harm. man aspiring super-villain bent on battling , killing young metahumans practice, later revealed secret s adopted brother in previous life. harm responsible death , subsequent transfiguration. young justice discovers , adopts super-cycle, sentient vehicle capable of flight new genesis come rely primary means of transportation. persistently badgered apes (all purpose enforcement squad) agents donald fite , ishido maad (loosely coined fite n maad ). writer peter david, in column jokes not allowed do, revealed had considered naming 2 nuck , futz , had been overruled dc editors did not combination nuck n futz . these men acting on behalf of department of extranormal operations. seeking recapture secret; instead leads revolt frees of other captives.

red tornado faces losing custody of adoptive daughter, traya. flees state her, placing team in legal predicament because assisted him. traya returned mother after awakened coma secret, while red tornado temporarily impounded. arrowette suffers murder of close friend @ school , kills attacker. places team in further trouble government. helps stir already-ensuing media blitz aimed @ young super-heroes turning public sway towards opinion teenage heroes reckless , more of endangerment society protection. situation further exacerbated when young justice, in attempt free secret had been taken captive deo, inadvertently defaces mount rushmore. these events give rise building tensions between young justice , adult counterparts in justice league, , rising amount of petitioning in washington against underage crime-fighters, spurred newly formed team of golden age sidekicks, old justice. remorseful on lack of restraint, , feeling burnt-out on life forced on mother in first place, cissie retires arrowette , quits team in midst of these events, dismay of best friend wonder girl (who go on continually pester cissie time later rejoining team). in midst of these events, unbeknownst team, superboy taken captive , detained villainous agenda, while villainous counterpart, match, implanted within team. shortly after, meet , aided mysterious new heroine, enigmatic empress, later revealed anita fite, daughter of donald fite, 1 of agents had plagued team through point. team becomes targeted federally-operated group of metahumans known pointmen, , forced flee headquarters in happy harbor, officially wanted government.

sins of youth

these developments spin off 1 of series key events, young justice: sins of youth fifth week event in march 2000 (takes place between young justice issues #19 , 20), team s troubles come head when members of young justice, justice league, justice society, titans, , several other costumed heroes are, in catastrophic chain of events involving klarion witch-boy, either aged adulthood or de-aged adolescence, machinations of agenda, headed former wife of lex luthor, contessa erica alexandra del portenza, had been manipulating events beginning in attempt discredit costumed super-heroes, young , old alike, targeting young justice , teen heroes weakest link in chain. during crisis, heroes scatter find reversal klarion s magicks, dcu given glimpse of quality of heroism may 1 day arise youngest generation of super-heroes (much surprise of many within super-heroic community, few members of young justice themselves), glimpse of senior generations in teen years or younger. during event, or indirect results of event, superboy s girlfriend tana moon brutally murdered agent of agenda, marking turning point in kid of steel s life, wonder girl began bloom role hero, abandoning wig. jack knight (starman), impressed competence , intelligence witnessed in then-adult courtney whitmore, second star-spangled kid, later pass cosmic rod , starman mantle on courtney, spurring precocious heroine later become stargirl. marked transition between original 6 , new cast, empress joining right after storyline , newly de-aged lobo, or li l lobo, being created it.

in aftermath of these events, negative public opinion against young crime-fighters subsides, , team reconciles friends , mentors in justice league , government. superboy temporarily loses powers, regains ability age (as result earlier story arc in own title, kon-el permanently suspended in age 16-year-old). team re-locates headquarters abandoned hotel in catskills , takes temporary leave of absence recuperate, allowing substitute team consisting of beast boy, flamebird, batgirl, captain marvel junior, , lagoon boy fill in 1 issue, intervene in battle royale between klarion , li l lobo.

when cissie selected represent united states in archery games 2000 summer olympics @ encouragement of mother, team accompanies australia , thwarts effort sabotage games criminal nation of zandia. cissie, natural-born marksman, wins gold medal us, gaining celebrity status without need of heroic identity. team once again empress, learning true identity, anita s chagrin. young justice warms young mystic , welcomes within ranks, though cissie rejects anita out of resentment towards feeling replaced.

the team later make expedition outer space @ behest of doiby dickles, former sidekick golden age green lantern alan scott, , former member of old justice, free previous homeworld myrg invading forces. in adventure encounter li l lobo once again, agrees join them expectation of violence. robin begrudgingly allows young justice accept lobo s in instance, out of desire chance of evening odds success. after liberating myrg , returning home (after yet brief excursion new genesis, in secret meets , unwittingly strikes rapport despotic darkseid), lobo continues exercise presence young justice , participating in adventures no real reason within group can discern; never officially accepted member. develops attraction empress; mildly interested apathetic anita obliges go on date him @ 1 point.

our worlds @ war

during 2001 s our worlds @ war event, universe faced dual threat of impending annihilation @ hands of imperiex , conquest/enslavement @ hands of brainiac 13. many tenuous alliances formed, particularly between then-us president lex luthor , justice league, not mention earth , dark world apokolips. in midst of intergalactic war, young justice drafted combat strictly search , rescue purposes. result of aftermath of jla: tower of babel storyline, in batman had been revealed keeping extensive , invasive dossiers on teammates in justice league purposes of neutralizing , subduing in event of of them going rogue, similar suspicions of robin had begun circulate amongst teammates in young justice. when team crash lands , left stranded on apokolips after superboy took control of shuttle in attempt rescue steel black racer, tensions explode between superboy , robin , suspicions brought light superboy, wonder girl, impulse, , cissie express concerns regarding trust- although secret reaffirms faith in robin while empress acknowledges batman s reasons developing strategies, lobo dismissing impossible take him out-, leaving team divided. group agree put matter aside time being attempt off of apokolips.

the team begins drawing enemy fire; impulse left shaken , temporarily traumatized when 1 of super-speed scouts (vibrational clones impulse learned make of himself function independly short time periods) killed in line of fire, giving lackadaisical hero harsh confrontation own mortality; li l lobo annihilated parademons, finished off black racer. rest of team taken captive , put care of granny goodness, , female furies subject them various cruel forms of mental torture. secret taken confer darkseid, had taken interest in powerful, yet naive young heroine last time had met. secret, had begun learn more powers , connections afterlife , had consequently began ponder true nature, informed darkseid evil. young justice breaks free granny s captivity , lashes out @ tormentors before making desperate attempt @ escape. due li l lobo s ability replicate clones of himself every drop of blood spilled, team aided army of lobo clones unleashed on apokoliptian forces, lash out against , around them before turning on each other , killing 1 off last surviving lobo. team makes escape apokolips in midst of chaos, of 1 additional genetically inferior teenage lobo had remained hidden fight in spaceship. ashamed of perceived inferiority , cowardice, less imposing, less threatening lobo renames himself slo-bo. team, had been listed missing in action time return earth safely few days after imperiex war had ended, collectively , individually jarred wartime experience.

in aftermath of adventure, first time frightened life, impulse decides quit team, retiring super-hero life altogether. joined robin, decides sever ties team out of hurt feelings inflicted teammates feels no longer trust him. after loss of 2 founding members, joined former justice league mascot snapper carr, agrees assume red tornado s mentoring position; own unique form of counsel, snapper attempts remaining members feet on ground. re-bolster ranks, team recruits older ray newest member. meanwhile, in effort secret come terms tragic past , assuage concerns on considers true nature, snapper arranges suzie taken in spectre hal jordan in mentoring capacity. full details of life , death brought light, role gatekeeper between realm of dead , living. never shown divulging information of origin teammates, though supply them true name, greta hayes.

world without young justice

all 4 series featuring young justice characters take part in world without young justice crossover in april 2002. five-part story arc features old young justice opponent bedlam world without grown-ups returning , once again recreating world suit will. in new reality, young justice consists of distorted, , in cases amoral, parodies of proper selves. reunited bart allen , tim drake, young justice manages defeat bedlam once again , restore reality rightful state.

with young justice once again in full force, team decides take vote on should become team leader, due feeling despite robin s return, question whether or not deserves position of leader, particularly in light of having quit team abruptly. in end, wonder girl, having blossomed competent, level-headed heroine since more awkward days hiding under wig , goggles, , having stuck team through thick , thin since close beginning, wins election, , given full blessings former leader, robin. though robin loses leadership position, continues act team s chief tactical mind, similar batman s role jla.

wonder girl assumes responsibility in time lead young justice next challenge. when empress s father kidnapped , murdered super-villain grandfather, agua sin gaaz, prominent , powerful resident of nation of zandia, populated criminals, young justice assembles legion of young heroes across dcu assist in sin gaaz s apprehension, including stargirl, jakeem thunder, lagoon boy, kid devil, wonder twins, , dozens of others. assault on zandia met equally staggering assemblage of villains, resulting in all-out battle royale. empress confronts sin gaaz, villain defeated , murdered arrowette - not cissie, mother, bonnie king-jones, passing off own daughter. after sin gaaz s demise, empress left in care of 2 newborn infants created in lab - reincarnations of anita s own deceased parents.

the final storyline of series witnesses building subplot of secret s dark side coming light. young justice prepares boost image , expand agreeing star in new reality show, secret learns father sentenced death murder of brother, harm. pleas teammates in breaking him out of jail. when refuse , later condemn after freeing father anyway, betrayed secret erupts in fit of anger, violently attacks friends, , agrees leave earth apokolips darkseid, @ last giving in offer of tutelage. secret in service 1 of humanity s greatest adversaries, , totally in control of vast power linking abyss, team apprehensively prepares face former friend. impulse confesses fear on own lack of regard own life; empress, left care 2 newborn infants faces possibility career super-hero may over; slo-bo, physically inferior body, beginning degrade; cissie @ last establishes peace mother; , superboy , wonder girl confess feelings 1 another. when secret attacks in final confrontation condemning friends failing her, robin admits failings , appeals secret s reason , inner goodness. upon breaking down in tears , giving people had consumed, secret confronted , scorned angered darkseid. slo-bo attempts attack new god seemingly obliterated shot of darkseid s omega effect. darkseid uses omega effect strip secret of immortality , power, rendering normal punishment betrayal; ironically, secret yearned along. last page reveals slo-bo, rather being killed darkseid, instead flung far future, (consciously) imprisoned statue in young justice of 853rd century s cave headquarters.

graduation day

the team next seen in titans/young justice: graduation day mini-series. casual business meeting potential money source , titans goes awry when 2 teams attacked android (see indigo) future, leaving empress, argent, cyborg , jesse quick hospitalized. ray absent, unmentioned. upon further pursuance of situation, unwitting android activates dormant superman replicate android had been left in care of star labs. superman android turns out hostile, , resulting clash leads deaths of long-time titans lilith , donna troy (who, unknown titans , young justice, resurrected titans of myth), leaving both teams devastated. wonder girl, enraged @ being unable save either of them , particularly saddened loss of friend , predecessor, has come see herself , young justice ineffective heroes, , turns away teammates. young justice dissolves. kids, choosing shoulder weight of responsibility fiasco, drop out of communication 1 until wonder girl, robin, superboy, , impulse brought cyborg, starfire, , beast boy form new teen titans.

meanwhile, ray joins new freedom fighters, while snapper car joins checkmate. secret, without powers retires superhero world attend school cissie , wonder girl. empress goes semi-retirement re-don costume during infinite crisis, , during brief team-up supergirl. apparently came out of retirement in final crisis, joining mas y menos , sparx in forming teen titans spin-off known league of titans . league defeated mirror master , arthur light, , last seen recuperating @ hall of justice. red tornado meanwhile later rejoins justice league. after on year of inactivity, lagoon boy recruited cyborg new titans east roster, severely injured , rendered comatose on team s first training exercise. super-cycle meanwhile has disappeared without trace.

a short young justice story added teen titans #50, wonder girl , robin remembering old young justice days, , in particular newly deceased bart allen. pair share stories how bart impulsively make mistakes such causing international incident in gorilla city, failing realize teammates badly-made robots , publishing team s secret identities in young justice comic book.

unofficial reunions

in wonder girl mini series, living remaining core members of young justice, consisting of wonder girl, robin, empress, , arrowette (secret absent due powers being gone , superboy , kid flash had not yet been resurrected), along hercules, teamed defeat granny goodness , female furies.

in first 6 issues of adventure comics (collected in superboy: boy of steel), wonder girl, red robin (tim drake), , kid flash come in smallville offer superboy support after incident lex luthor.
