Description Caesalpinia_pulcherrima

buds opening

variously named peacock flower or pride-of-barbados -- caesalpinia pulcherrima

buds of caesalpina

yellow flowers of caesalpina

caesalpinia pulcherrima - peacock flower

caesalpinia pulcherrima has unique combination of color in petal.

it shrub growing 3 m tall. in climates few no frosts, plant grow larger , semievergreen. grown in climates light moderate freezing, plant die ground depending on cold, rebound in mid- late spring. species more sensitive cold others. leaves bipinnate, 20–40 cm long, bearing 3 10 pairs of pinnae, each 6 10 pairs of leaflets 15–25 mm long , 10–15 mm broad. flowers borne in racemes 20 cm long, each flower 5 yellow, orange, or red petals. fruit pod 6–12 cm long.
