child labour in africa
children working @ young age has been consistent theme throughout africa. many children began first working in home parents run family farm. children in africa today forced exploitative labour due family debt , other financial factors, leading ongoing poverty. other types of domestic child labour include working in commercial plantations, begging, , other sales such boot shining. in total, there estimated 5 million children working in field of agriculture steadily increases during time of harvest. along 30 percent of children picking coffee, there estimated 25,000 school age children work year round.
what industries children work in depends on if grew in rural area or urban area. children born in urban areas found working street vendors, washing cars, helping in construction sites, weaving clothing, , working exotic dancers. while children grew in rural areas work on farms doing physical labour, working animals, , selling crops. of child workers, serious cases involved street children , trafficked children due physical , emotional abuse endured employers. address issue of child labour, united nations conventions on rights of child act implemented in 1959. yet due poverty, lack of education , ignorance, legal actions not/are not wholly enforced or accepted in africa.
other legal factors have been implemented end , reduce child labour includes global response came force in 1979 declaration of international year of child. along human rights committee of united nations, these 2 declarations worked on many levels eliminate child labour. although many actions have been taken end epidemic, child labour in africa still issue today due unclear definition of adolescence , how time needed children engage in activities crucial development. issue comes play link between constitutes child labour within household due cultural acceptance of children helping run family business. in end, there consistent challenge national government strengthen grip politically on child labour, , increase education , awareness on issue of children working below legal age limit. children playing important role in african economy, child labour still plays important role many in 20th century.
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