Administrative_structure Economic_and_Statistical_Organisation_Punjab_(ESO)

1 administrative structure

1.1 chandigarh head office level
1.2 district level
1.3 block level

administrative structure
chandigarh head office level

eso has offices both @ chandigarh based headquarters districts of state. economic advisor government of punjab head of department. there 2 directors , 3 joint directors @ head office. in addition there other supporting staff collect, compile , present required statistical data in professional manner.

district level

there district statistical office in each of 22 districts of state of punjab headed deputy economic , stasitical advisor, grade 1 officer. @ district level perform following major functions :

block level

punjab among few states of indian union has statistical machinery @ sub district i.e. block level. 1 statistical personnel known investigator posted @ block level in state collect basic information on over 250 items each of village. data used grass root level planning , other decision in state. on 31 march 2016 there 146 blocks , on 12154 villages.
