1 recent history
1.1 magnitsky legislation
1.2 grants
1.3 lviv office of ucsj
recent history
magnitsky legislation
sergei magnitsky lawyer in moscow ford international financial company. advised russian authorities tax agents dealing stealing us$320 million russia. arrested, tortured , killed russian authorities. russian human rights ngos wanted support bill in congress punish responsible torture , murder denying them visas , freezing assets in us. ucsj supported legislation @ behest of russian ngos , put coalition of international religious freedom organizations petition congress. state department fought against legislation , jewish establishment organizations opposed bills, until saw going pass , publicly supported bills. magnitsky act has been used president obama punish russia violations of human rights today.
us grants
ucsj given grant ambassador moscow bring russian pro-democracy human rights counterparts aid ngos in work.
the national endowment democracy (ned) granted ucsj grants monitor human rights violations , anti-semitism , actions of russian judicial system. ucsj sponsored trip ukraine when russians trying take on eastern ukraine meeting high ukrainian government officials see if ucsj help.
lviv office of ucsj
meylach schochetl heads ucsj office in lviv. in addition running soup kitchen poor of lviv , running jewish services jews of lviv, has taken on task of working protect jewish historical sites , fight human rights. has been successful in lawsuits against authorities in lviv preserve cemetery sites , destroyed synagogues commercialization. has been successful in pursuing actions against officials violated human rights of individuals.
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