Ecology Chiltern-Mt_Pilot_National_Park

1 ecology

1.1 fauna

1.1.1 squirrel glider
1.1.2 brush-tail phascogale
1.1.3 barking owl
1.1.4 regent honeyeater
1.1.5 other species

1.2 flora

1.2.1 red ironbark
1.2.2 black cypress pine
1.2.3 mt pilot spider orchid
1.2.4 blakely’s red gum


woodland in mt pilot section

the chiltern-mt pilot national park falls within victorian riverina , northern inland slopes sub-bioregions. chiltern section of park comprises low-lying hills formed ordovician sedimentary rock distinctly contrast rugged devonian granite of mt pilot section. park protects total 18 ecological vegetation classes (evcs) of 4 threatened: box-ironbark, spring-soak woodland, gilgai plain woodland/wetland mosaic , valley grassy forest. park supports on 600 native species of flora , has intact assemblage of fauna more birds, mammals , reptiles recorded other box-ironbark forest. notably, chiltern-mt pilot national park provides critical habitat recovery of barking owl (ninox connivens) , brush-tailed phascogale (phascogale tapoatafa). part of warby–chiltern box–ironbark region important bird area, identified such birdlife international because of importance conservation of box–ironbark forest ecosystems , several species of threatened woodland birds dependent on them.


grey kangaroos

the park supports diverse range of native fauna 276 different species of mammals, birds , reptiles being reported. common species including grey kangaroo (macropus giganteus), koala (phascolarctos cinereus) , laughing kookaburra (dacelo novaeguineae), park home 43 fauna species listed threatened; 21 1 of listed under victorian flora , fauna guarantee act 1988. significant species described in more detail below.

squirrel glider

the squirrel glider (petaurus norfolcensis) small medium-sized arboreal marsupial occupies vast range of habitats throughout eastern australia. listed threatened species under ffg act 1988. gliders have highly specific feeding , nesting requirements , use trees move through landscape. consequently, highly susceptible changes in forest conditions. squirrel gliders have reported home range size of approximately 3.9 hectares (9.6 acres) in northeast victoria. size can vary , influenced availability of food , quality of forest habitat. glider’s diet consists of arthropods, nectars , insect exudates foraging accounting high proportion of nocturnal activity. of time spent in living eucalypt trees strong preference large, mature trees in flower. gliders use dead trees shelter in , facilitate movement through forest.

brush-tail phascogale

brush-tail phascogales (phascogale tapoatafa) small carnivorous, arboreal marsupials solitary nature. breed once per year males dying @ end of each breeding season. these mammals distributed across australia habitat loss , degradation following european settlement in victoria has meant species listed threatened. average home range size females 41 hectares (100 acres) , males exceeds 100 hectares (250 acres).

phascogales regarded foraging generalists invertebrates comprising bulk of diet. foraging in trees accounts 90% of nocturnal activity larger trees offering greater surface areas phascogales forage on. large remnant trees contain more hollows , potential nest sites smaller trees. phascogales typically occupy living trees of large diameter , not uncommon them maintain multiple nests across majority of home range. these reasons, sites offer mature, evenly spaced trees , connected patches considered suitable habitats.

barking owl

the barking owl (ninox connivens) listed threatened under victorian flora , fauna guarantee act. 1 of largest native predators remaining in southern australia , renowned unique prey holding behaviour. predator, owls have comparatively low abundance , require constant source of high-energy food makes them particularly vulnerable habitat fragmentation , degradation. highly territorial species has average home range of approximately 1,400 hectares (3,500 acres) , requires large trees maintain diurnal roosts. 1 of largest body sizes of hollow-depended species in australia, mature trees essential provide cavities big enough nesting. combination of drought , brushfire on past ten years has led significant reduction in number of breeding pairs residing in mt pilot area. chiltern-mt pilot national park critical habitat recovery of species.

regent honeyeater

populations of regent honeyeaters (xanthomyza phrygia) historically concentrated in 3 locations around adelaide, northeast victoria , central-east new south wales, locally extinct in south australia. considered nationally endangered population of approximately 1500 individuals remaining. honeyeater typically inhabits eucalypt woodland , dry open forests. diets consist principally of insects , nectar , supplemented fruits. honeyeaters observed in northeast victoria demonstrate preference box-ironbark forest, particularly nectar yellow gum (eucalyptus leucoxylon) , winter flowering red ironbark (eucalyptus tricarpa).

other species

in addition species described above, chiltern-mt pilot national park home number of other significant fauna species. these include painted honeyeater (grantiella picta), swift parrot (lathamus discolor), turquoise parrot (neophema pulchella), square-tailed kite (lophoictinia isura), spot-tailed quoll (cinclosoma punctatum), bandy bandy (vermicella annulata), woodland blind snake (ramphotyphlops proximus) , brown toadlet (pseudophryne bibronii).


the chiltern-mt pilot national park protects 42 threatened species of flora of ten listed under flora , fauna guarantee act (vic). includes range of species such crimson spider orchid (caladenia concolor), yellow hyacinth-orchid (dipodium hamiltonianum), sturdy leek orchid (prasophyllum validum), warby swamp gum (eucalyptus cadens), mountain swainson-pea (swainsona recta) , narrow goodenia (goodenia macbarronii) listed endangered or vulnerable in victoria. other significant flora species found within park described below.

red ironbark

red ironbark (eucalyptus sideroxylon), known mugga ironbark, grows height of 10–30 metres (33–98 ft) in open forests along inland slopes of great dividing range in victoria, new south wales , southern queensland. flowering occurs throughout year 7 small flower buds in umbels appearing in axils of mature leaves. small fruits measuring 5–8 millimetres (0.20–0.31 in) appear approximately 1 month after flowering. leaf size known vary in response environmental factors including water availability , soil composition. both swift parrot , regent honeyeater visit park during winter take advantage of red ironbark’s peak flowering period.

black cypress pine

the park has largest reserved population of black cypress pine (callitris endlicheri) in victoria. native conifer commonly found in hilly areas of southeast australia climates relatively warm , dry. monoecious species wind pollinated , described having erect branches, tough furrowed bark , dark green foliage. species exhibits strong drought tolerance , ability survive in densely crowded strands though rate of maturation can slowed under these conditions. pine vulnerable changes in rainfall , grazing pressure rabbits , deer. pine highly susceptible fire , mortality follows exposure. chiltern-mt pilot pine population severely affected 2003 eldorado fire. places species @ greater risk of local extinction future fires, particularly if 2 fires occur in close succession.

mt pilot spider orchid

the mt pilot spider orchid (caladenia pilotensis) rare orchid species listed threatened under flora , fauna guarantee act (vic) , endangered department of sustainability , environment (dse). species described having hairy stem grows approximately 35 centimetres (14 in) in height, single basal leaf , light green yellow coloured flower pale red shading. deciduous herb originates population of approximately 100 individuals located inside 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) radius in mt-pilot section of park. can found in 4 small groups on drained soils of open grassy forest floor. little known ecology of orchid reported pollination severely restricted or absent in small populations. problem exacerbated decline in rate of flowering eucalyptus forests recover 2003 bushfires. risk of local extinction high owing small population size , threat of animal grazing, soil disturbance , weed invasion.

blakely’s red gum

blakely’s red gum (eucalyptus blakelyi) common native australian eucalypt found on inland slopes of great dividing range in new south wales , victoria. evergreen tree grows height of 25 metres (82 ft) , flowers predominantly between november , december on 2 three-year cycle depending on environmental conditions. seedling establishment affected common factors including temperature, light, litter accumulation, grazing, fire, frost , insect predation.
