The_9.2F11_Truth_Movement Dave_Thomas_(skeptic)

left right: ted goertzel, dave thomas, bob blaskiewicz , scott lilienfeld @ csicon 2011 conspiracy theories panel.

thomas reveals after decade, 9/11 “truthers” have refined arguments still haven’t proved attacks inside job. in s youtube 9/11 truth debate! in 2014 thomas collects youtube videos of debate between himself , michael fullerton looks logical fallacies become key debate, says thomas ll see on internet! continues. in 9-11 truth resources collects articles discussing aspects of twin-towers collapse , answering such questions as:

how building crush itself? towers collapse: fast, not freefall chandler s data support gravitational collapse! world trade center 7 : happened how can gravity cause multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally? thermite answer? question?

the gage page - blueprint of destruction refutations
