Realism_and_parody:_Cielo_d.27Alcamo Sicilian_School

cielo d alcamo

villa giulia (palermo)

frederick s augustale (c. 1250), valued currency used throughout italy mentioned in contrasto, , helped scholars establish date.

though lyric poetry prevailed @ frederick s (and later manfredi s) court, @ time have interesting exception in rosa fresca aulentissima (transl: fresh perfumed rose ), known contrasto , attributed cielo d alcamo (also known ciullu di vincenzullu), modern critics have exercised themselves. contrasto written in sicilian language close spoken in city of messina, several influences continental italian variants. subject humorous fight between 2 young lovers, kind of poetry quite common in middle ages (as contrasti or pastorelle). young suitor sneaks garden of young lady rich sicilian family , secretly declares love her. tries seduce girl one-liners; berates him ill intentions , keeps him @ bay protect honor, prudeness proves love game: gives in bold advances. however, language uses of courtly language of lyric poetry , result parody of sicilian school s clichés. contrasto belongs time of emperor frederick ii (it can dated between 1230 , 1250, closer latter), , important proof there once existed popular, independent of literary, poetry prior frederick s times. critics agree contrasto of cielo d alcamo scholarly re-elaboration of lost popular song. perhaps closest kind of poetry has perished or smothered sicilian literature of frederick s. distinguishing feature hilarity , down-to-earthedness opposed abstract verse of sicilian school. has been argued style betrays profound knowledge of frederick s movement , critics have hinted man penned must have been acquainted or been part of, court itself. given highly satiric , erotic vein ciullo d alcamo may fictitious name. contrasto shows vigor , freshness in expression of feelings: such low treatment of love-theme shows subject-matter popular. poem sounds real , spontaneous, marked sensuality characteristic of people of southern italy.
