cathars being expelled carcassonne in 1209
catharism movement gnostic elements originated around middle of 10th century, branded contemporary roman catholic church heretical. existed throughout of western europe, origination in languedoc , surrounding areas in southern france.
the name cathar stems greek katharos, pure . 1 of first recorded uses eckbert von schönau wrote on heretics cologne in 1181: hos nostra germania catharos appellat.
the cathars called albigensians. name originates end of 12th century, , used chronicler geoffroy du breuil of vigeois in 1181. name refers southern town of albi (the ancient albiga). designation hardly exact, centre @ toulouse , in neighbouring districts.
the albigensians strong in southern france, northern italy, , southwestern holy roman empire.
the bogomils strong in balkans, , became official religion supported bosnian kings.
dualists believed historical events result of struggle between force , evil force , evil ruled world, though controlled or defeated through asceticism , works.
albigensian crusade, simon de montfort, montségur, château de quéribus
peter waldo of lyon wealthy merchant gave riches around 1175 after religious experience , became preacher. founded waldensians became christian sect believing religious practices should have scriptural basis. waldo denied right preach sermons third lateran council in 1179, did not obey , continued speak freely until excommunicated in 1184. waldo critical of christian clergy saying did not live according word. rejected practice of selling indulgences, common saint cult practices of day.
waldensians considered forerunner protestant reformation, , melted protestantism outbreak of reformation , became part of wider reformed tradition after views of john calvin , theological successors in geneva proved similar own theological thought. waldensian churches still exist, located on several continents.
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