Demographics Mount_Royal,_Quebec

1 demographics

1.1 languages
1.2 age
1.3 households
1.4 religion
1.5 income


note: percentages may not add 100 percent due rounding of data samples.

as of census of 2001, there 18,682 people, 7,065 households, , 5,215 families residing in town. population density 2,438.90/km². there 7,267 housing units @ average density of 948.69/km². racial makeup of town 84.51% white, 1.71% black canadian, 0.08% aboriginal, 6.66% asian canadian, , 0.84% latin american.


the 2006 census found that, counting single responses only, french spoken mother tongue 43.9% of population, decrease 46.4% in 2001. english spoken mother tongue total of 21.8% of population in 2006, decrease 26.2% in 2001. counting single responses only, next common mother tongues arabic (7.3%), greek (3.1%), italian (3.0%), armenian , chinese (2.5% each), , vietnamese (2.4%).


in town population spread out 18.7% under age of 15, 11.6% 15 24, 24.8% 25 44, 26.0% 45 64, , 19.0% 65 years of age or older. median age 41 years. every 100 females there 89.2 males. every 100 females age 15 , over, there 85.9 males.


there 7,065 households out of 33.7% had children living them, 57.6% married couples living together, 7.2% had female lone-parent householder, , 25.8% of households made of individuals. average married-couple family size 3.2.


as of 2001, christians made 71.9% of population, or 53.2% catholic, 6.0% protestant, 10.9% orthodox, , 1.8% other christian. other religions in town include 12% jewish, 5.5% muslim, 2.3% buddhist, , 0.6% other religions. 7.6% of population claimed have no religious affiliation.


as of 2006, median income household in town $86,743 cad, , median income family $112,449 cad. males had average income of $86,428 cad versus $41,883 cad females. 4.5% of labour force unemployed. largest occupation categories 20.7% employed in management occupations, 20.3% business, finance, , administration occupations, , 17.9% in sales , service occupations.
