craig keeland, terry minke, , cristina alvarez on mission trip 6 in 2013.
in 2003, craig keeland founded andes children’s foundation. dr. mark pedersen , terry minke joined him co-founders. jaime mendoza, resident of vilcabamba, in founders , trustees until death in 2011.
in october 2003, keeland delivered first computers schools. formal acf mission trips began in 2004, subsequent trips in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, , 2013. terry minke , wife led first mission trip in 2004. through these mission trips, acf has provided computers, printers, school supplies, educational dvds, microscopes , other science lab equipment, copy machines, , computer repair support. mission trip volunteers have offered teacher training on computers , arts , crafts. additionally, part of andes children’s foundation mission: vilcabamba, group takes volunteers vilcabamba teach areas of expertise students.
in 2006, acf contracted ivan macanchi in quito, ecuador install towers , antennas in valley internet. ivan’s company vilcanet , has expanded 2,000 residents in area.
in 2007, acf completed building of mollepamba school. of 2013, foundation supports 13 schools in vilcabamba valley.
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