Analysis The_Force_(Star_Wars)

1 analysis

1.1 religion , spirituality
1.2 comparison magic
1.3 scientific , parascientific perspectives


chris taylor called force largely mystery in star wars. taylor ascribes more poetic, more spiritual ... , more demonstrative descriptions of force in empire strikes lawrence kasdan, co-wrote film, says film little expand audiences understanding of it. in 1997, lucas said more detail articulated force , how works, more took away core meaning. according rob weinert-kendt, force theme in john williams score represents power , responsibility of wielding force.

religion , spirituality

in 1977 review of star wars, vincent canby of new york times called force mixture of appears esp , christian faith . magic of myth compares sharp distinction between light side , evil dark side of force zoroastrianism, posits , evil, light , darkness, contrary realities . connectedness between light , dark sides has been compared relationship between yin , yang in taoism, although balance between yin , yang lacks element of evil associated dark side. taylor identifies other similarities between force , navajo prayer, prana, , qi. taylor added lack of detail force makes religion secular age . according jennifer porter, professor of religious studies @ memorial university of newfoundland, force metaphor godhood resonates , inspires within [people] deeper commitment godhood identified within traditional faith .

comparison magic

paranormal abilities force common device in science fiction, , force has been compared role magic plays in fantasy genre. star wars films illustrate characters not familiar particulars of force associate mysticism , magic, such when imperial officer alludes darth vader s sorcerer s ways . christina flotmann distinguishes between depiction of force in star wars franchise , depiction of magic in harry potter fantasy series, , describes force spiritual energy.

eric charles points out television films caravan of courage: ewok adventure (1984) , ewoks: battle endor (1985), intended children, fairy tales in science fiction setting . these films feature magic , other fairy tale motifs rather force , science fiction tropes. mark clark said ewok adventure films depict sorcery different force powers depicted in original , prequel star wars films.

scientific , parascientific perspectives

astrophysicist jeanne cavelos says in science of star wars force raises questions scientists have long asked. points out ancient greeks explored idea of fifth element permeated , connected in universe, , isaac newton proposed human brain might able trigger waves in ether, giving humans psychic powers. cavelos s sources skeptical real world explanation force, explore ideas in areas such quantum physics, parapsychology, , notion of science advanced appears magical. explaining force particularly difficult, cavelos says, because many different things . several scientists have said best not try explain how force works.

cavelos says force suggests universe quite different 1 think re living in , , unknown fields or particles might explain force. cavelos believes vacuum energy 1 option power physical force feats, , says fifth force beyond 4 fundamental interactions might account force. flavio fenton of georgia institute of technology school of physics suggests fifth force carry 2 types of charge — 1 light side , 1 dark — , each carried own particle. nepomuk otte, georgia tech, cautions newton s third law of motion says telekinesis apply force on force-wielding character. force powers precognition challenging explain because of implied time travel of information, cavelos suggests tachyons traveling faster light might carry such information. cavelos explores possibility of brain implants or sensors being used detect users intent , manipulate energy fields control force. michio kaku says luke skywalker s jedi training on dagobah might involve learning control brain waves, , cavelos compares such discipline contemporary patients learning control prosthetics.
