Works Pieter_Burman_the_Elder

title page of burman’s quintilian edition (leiden 1720)

burman published latin editions of phaedrus (1698), horace (1699), valerius flaccus (1702), petronius (1709), menander , philemon (1710), ovid (1713 & 1727), velleius paterculus (1719), quintilian (1720), justin historian (1722), various minor latin poets (1731), suetonius (1736), , lucan (1740) died while editing work of vergil, edition completed nephew.

burman emended thomas ruddiman s edition of george buchanan s latin works, continued graevius s thesauruses of italian , sicilian history, , wrote treatise de vectigalibus populi romani (1694) , brief description of roman antiquities (1711). sylloge of letters written illustrious men (1725–7) contains biographical material on scholars. edited several other volumes of letters well.

the list of works occupies 5 pages in saxe s onomasticon. latin poems , orations republished after death. there account of life in gentleman s magazine april 1742 samuel johnson.
