Authorship_and_sources Laxdæla_saga

map of region of laxdæla saga

as case other icelanders sagas, author of laxdæla saga unknown. since saga has been regarded unusually feminine saga, has been speculated composed woman. extensive knowledge author shows of locations , conditions in breiðafjörður area show author must have lived in western iceland. internal evidence shows saga must have been composed sometime in period 1230-1260.

on several occasions, laxdæla saga explicitly cites appear written sources. twice refers writings of ari Þorgilsson, once lost Þorgils saga höllusonar , once njarðvíkinga saga, perhaps alternative name gunnars þáttr Þiðrandabana. author familiar number of other written historical sources. nevertheless, main sources of author must have been oral traditions, or fleshed out , shaped according or tastes.
