Production The_Pianist_(2002_film)

photograph of władysław szpilman

mała street in warsaw s praga-północ district used filming of pianist

the story had deep connections director roman polanski because escaped kraków ghetto child after death of mother. ended living in polish farmer s barn until war s end. father died in camps, reunited after end of world war ii.

joseph fiennes polanski s first choice lead role, turned down due previous commitment theatrical role. on 1,400 actors auditioned role of szpilman @ casting call in london. unsatisfied tried, polanski sought cast adrien brody, whom saw ideal role during first meeting in paris.

principal photography on pianist began on 9 february 2001 in babelsberg studio in potsdam, germany. warsaw ghetto , surrounding city recreated on backlot of babelsberg studio have looked during war. old soviet army barracks used create ruined city, going destroyed anyway.

the first scenes of film shot @ old army barracks. after, film crew moved villa in potsdam, served house szpilman meets hosenfeld. on 2 march 2001, filming moved abandoned soviet military hospital in beelitz, germany. scenes featured german soldiers destroying warsaw hospital flamethrowers filmed here. on 15 march, filming moved babelsberg studios. first scene shot @ studio complex , technically demanding scene in szpilman witnesses ghetto uprising.

filming @ studios ended on 26 march, , moved warsaw on 29 march. rundown district of praga chosen filming because of abundance of original buildings. art department built onto these original buildings, re-creating world war ii–era poland signs , posters period. additional filming took place around warsaw. umschlagplatz scene szpilman, family, , hundreds of other jews wait taken extermination camps filmed @ national defence university of warsaw.

principal photography ended in july 2001, , followed months of post-production in paris.
