Synopsis Speaker_for_the_Dead

following xenocide of formic species own hand (in ender s game), ender wiggin writes book under pseudonym speaker dead called hive queen, describing life of formics described him dormant formic queen secretly carries. humanity uses light-speed travel establish new colonies, ender quietly travels them along sister valentine find home formic queen restart species. ender s older brother, aged hegemon peter wiggin, recognizes ender s writings in hive queen, , requests ender write him once dies. ender agrees, , authors hegemon. these 2 books create new religious movement speakers of dead have full authority investigate person , work after death, , speak judgement essence of them in eulogy.

some 3 thousand years after xenocide, human colony established on planet lusitania. planet home sentient species of mammalian forest dwellers called piggies proves of great interest xenobiologists. however, shortly after colony s founding, many of colonists die descolada virus before cure found. colony strictly regulated allow limited contact piggies xenobiologists, , not share human technology them.

xenologer pipo , son libo raise novinha parents died descolada. pipo has developed friendship piggies, finding matriarchal society females segregated males, , belief system centers around trees of forests. pipo finds 1 of males dead, body eviscerated , sapling planted within body, believing funeral rites. meanwhile, novinha discovers every lifeform on lusitania carries descolada virus, , while lethal humans, appears serve beneficial purpose native lifeforms. when pipo learns of this, has insight, , before tells others, races off talk piggies. pipo s body later found cut open, no sapling planted within body. pipo s death appears unprovoked, piggies considered threat starways congress , fence erected protect colony, access strictly regulated. novinha, having fallen in love libo fearing find out pipo s files led death, marries colonist, marcos ribeira, lock files being opened, under colony law. emotionally driven, makes call speaker dead pipo.

ender responds novinha s call, , valentine pregnant child, decides travel alone save artificial intelligence named jane appears live in ansible network enables faster-than-light communications. after relativistic travel, ender arrives @ lusitania 22 years later, finding novinha had canceled request speaker, in intervening time, not has libo died in similar manner pipo, marcos died, , novinha s children, ela , miro, have requested speaker libo , marcos. ender, gaining access of appropriate files, learns of tension since pipo s death; novinha has turned away xenobiology study crop growth, created loveless relationship marcos, while miro has secretly worked ouanda continue study piggies, while sharing human technology , knowledge them. on course of time, miro , ouanda have fallen in love. ender s arrival, miro tells him 1 of piggies, human, has taken great interest in ender, , ender becomes aware human can hear messages formic hive queen. ender , jane discover marcos infertile: 6 of novinha s children, including miro, fathered libo, ouanda s father. ender learns pipo had seen in novinha s data.

as word of miro s , ouanda s illegal sharing of human technology piggies reported congress, ender secretly goes meet piggies. know true identity, , implore him them part of humanity, while formic queen tells ender lusitania ideal place restart hive, race can guide piggies. time ender returns colony, congress has ordered miro , ouanda sent off-planet penal action , colony disbanded. ender delivers eulogy marcos, revealing novinha s infidelity. miro, distraught @ implications relationship ouanda, attempts escape hide piggies, suffers neurological damage tries cross fence. ender reveals colony discovered pipo had learned: every life form on lusitania paired through descolada virus, death of 1 births other, , in case of piggies, become trees when die. libo , pipo learned of this, deaths respectful misunderstanding piggies. colony leaders recognize ender s words, , agree rebel against congress, severing ansible connection , deactivating fence, allowing ender, ouanda, , ela go human speak piggy wives, establish case present congress.

the piggy wives ender corroborate complex life cycle of piggies, affirming death ritual pipo observed create fathertrees fertilize piggy females continue race. piggies believed honoring pipo, , later libo, helping them become fathertrees, ender explains humans lack third life , , if piggies co-habitate humans, must respect difference. affirm understanding, human allows ender perform ritual of killing him take him third life fathertree, providing ouanda confirmation needed present congress.

miro recovers of physical damage encounter fence, still paralytic. valentine , family inform ender plan lusitania revolt, , traveling help; ender has miro meet them halfway. novinha, having gained understanding death of pipo , libo, absolves herself of guilt, , , ender marry. ender plants hive queen per request, , writes third book, biography of life of piggy human.
