Programmes News_First

1 programmes

1.1 village council (gammedda)
1.2 construction clinic (danamuthu sayanaya)
1.3 news 1st classroom (media workshop)
1.4 dawasa political programme

village council (gammedda)

news 1st initiated “gammedda” programme invigorate village council fora, taking masses, , strengthening fundamentals of democracy instilling ideal relevant authorities , highest echelons of government directly responsible people.

construction clinic (danamuthu sayanaya)

news 1st, s-lon construction clinic called danamuthu sayanaya initiative carried out participation of renowned architects, builders, engineers in country these professionals provide advice free of charge.

news 1st classroom (media workshop)

news 1st outreach reaches out each of young life, nurture youth media literacy , communication, make better future through news 1st classroom.

dawasa political programme

dawasa program focused on current political situation in sri lanka 2 expert journalists in field of politics share views, along news 1st presenter roshan watala. goes on express comments, impressions , drawbacks faced general public on social media such facebook , twitter.
