Regions Administrative_divisions_of_Ukraine_(1918–1925)

1 regions

1.1 gubernias
1.2 okruhas
1.3 cities


ukraine s modern border superimposed on administrative division of 1900 both russian , austro-hungarian empires.

the skoropadsky administration restored russian governorate system of administration.

ukraine divided 9 gubernias, 2 okruhas , 3 cities special status.


chernihiv governorate
katerynoslav governorate
kiev governorate
kharkiv governorate
kherson governorate
podolia governorate
poltava governorate
volhynia governorate

in november 1918 reestablished kholm governorate (ukraine) (part of volhynia governorate before), creation of never realized. in 1919 occupied polish army , in 1920 transferred second polish republic after warsaw treaty. in january 1919 west ukrainian people s republic joined ukrainian people s republic unification act western oblast of ukrainian people s republic, while de facto being occupied poland.

also chernihiv governorate included homiel county ceded mogilev governorate. part of kursk governorate ceded chernihiv governorate, while others kharkiv governorate. kharkiv governorate received counties of voronezh governorate.

with reestablishment of soviet regime transformations took place. there created following gubernias:

kremenchuk governorate
donetsk governorate
odessa governorate
zaporizhia governorate

volhynia governorate lost after peace of riga. parts of odessa governorate created moldavian autonomous soviet socialist republic.


polissya okruha
tavria okruha

taurida okruha created after liberation of ukraine soviet occupation in 1918 when crimean peninsula administered crimean regional government, while continental part of taurida governorate became tuarida okruha.

polissya okruha created in august 1918 southern counties of minsk governorate.

both okruhas liquidated new invasion of soviet forces in 1920.

more systematic division of okruhas created in soviet ukraine in 1923 when okruhas @ first subdivision of gubernias , after liquidation of gubernias in 1925, okruhas became prime subdivision of republic.


